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Netzwerkdesign und Supply Chain Strategie

Wir entwickeln resiliente und nachhaltige Netzwerke für Sie


Study: Resilience of Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

The resilience of pharmaceutical supply chains is a widely discussed topic. Germany, the European Commission, the USA, and many other countries seek ways to ensure the supply of medicines even in times of crisis and avoid drug shortages. For the US government, the resilience of pharmaceutical supply chains is a top priority, alongside semiconductors, batteries, and critical minerals, among all supply chains in the USA.

Together with Dr. Jasmina Kirchhoff from IW Köln and Manuel Fritsch from IW Consult, we, the Healthcare Supply Chain Institute, have investigated for the Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. (VFA) the dependencies in pharmaceutical supply chains, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the options for increasing resilience.

The study is available online: Link to the study

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